Do you feel like your world is upside down?   

Do you feel lonely, lost, empty or scared? 

Do you feel as if you're walking around in circles on one leg?

If these questions describe you, welcome to a community that understands the pain of loss and knows how you feel and how to help you.  Everyone grieves differently, and your grief experience will be unique to you.  Grief is another season of life that most of us will face someday. If you know of someone who has lost a spouse or if this is you now and you need a place to plug in, you are in the right place.  Read the stories on this site of hope and encouragement.

For additional help, order the Surviving Spouse Club book for answers and go to my blog at https://charlesfoster.com/blog for helpful stories and information.   The stories will help you connect with others who have walked in your shoes, survived loss, and are working to regain their lives.  This community of widows and widowers is striving to face their grief and live again. This site is to help those grieving the loss of a spouse, where tears are welcome and where valuable information is shared.  This site is also hopeful and encouraging as you travel from loss.  You will never forget your spouse, yet you will take the necessary steps to put your life back together.

One of your missions is to survive the loss of your spouse, honor their memory, and then continue to live your life with meaning and purpose.  As people who know the pain of loss, think of someone you may know that you could reach out to and help with this information today.